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Book Collection Candles - My favourite collection to date! 


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" The Fellowship of the Ring 


Step into a world where literature meets ambiance with our exquisite candle collection - a must for every book enthusiast! Crafted with premium soy wax for a clean and long-lasting burn, each candle is enhanced with a label containing a renowned book quote that resonates with your love of storytelling.


Immerse yourself in the magical glow of these personalised candles, designed to whisk you away to the captivating realms of your beloved novels. Let the flickering flame accompany you on a literacy adventure, creating a cosy atmosphere that enhances your reading experience. 


To further promote sustainability, we offer a convenient refill policy for your empty candle jars. Simply return your empty candle jars, and we'll replenish them and give you money off a future order.

Lord of the Rings - Book Quote Collection


First Order Discount

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